Sunday, February 22, 2009

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy Pausch was a teacher. He taught others by living out his dreams and telling others about them. He used this along with telling others about his lived experiences as some of his techniques to teaching. He also talked about his childhoold dreams, lessons learned, and how to enable to dreams of others. He made the lessons he learned into comics that were funny and easy for others to learn from. He also said in the video that it is a good idea "to have something to bring to the table." This meant to be prepared with something interesting to talk about with a good, detailed presentation.

His presetation used techniques such as colorful text, scanned photographs, clip art, stories, and videos. Thi kept the auidence intrigued throughout the whole lecture. He also talked about you should never give up, and that you should always find a reason to enthusiastic. He then talked about his comfort zone, the football field, and how your dreams emcompass you. He also used quotes to deliver his message to people listenting to the lecture. He used good references aswell such as the web, articles, and the Encyclopdia World Book.

He did not talk much about his tumors in his liver. He did not want to dwell on his sickness, but celebrate his life he has lived. He talked about how his family just moved to a new house; meaning he was looking out for his family in the future. He had a great attitude about his sickness and was still in shape. He felt you really could not change the life you are handed, ang couraged people to move on and seek freedom no matter what tries to overcome them.

He talked about themes such as leadership, friends and fellowship, family, dreams, attitude towards life,the age of sinism, using your imagination, andd reliving his childhood experiences as often as he could. I felt his lecture was really inspirational. He reminded me of my dad and how the responded to his diagnoses of cancer. He continued to live life to the fullest and told others to do so as well. Randy also talked about how "brick walls" can be put up block you or to block others, it is your decision how and why they get put up, if they cannot be avoided.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

posting my presentation

Try this link instead to go to my presentation.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Link to Presentation

here is link to my presentation given last Monday night. click here to go to my presentation.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


The first podcast I listened to was titled Kidcast. This postcast was done as a radio broadcast. The lady on the radio talk show interviewed a first grader on his first day of school. She asked him many questions such as, how was your first day, what did you learn, did you make any new friends, do you think you will like your teacher, and what they did today in class? She also interviewed a student on his first day as a 6th grader. He talked about using lockers, and meeting 2 new students.

The next podcast I listened to was titled MacBreak Weekly. This podcast was done as an episode you can view and listen to from your computer while at work from On this particualar episode they opened up talking about the big win for the Steelers in the Super Bowl. Then as they introduced the other people on the show they put jingles to go along with names. These jingles were funny, and would give anyone a good laugh while doing stressful work in the office.

This Week In Photography is also a podcast done as an episode. This podcast internviewed more people. They started by asking them where they were then began talking about where they were. One interviewer said he was in new york and talked about the rising costs of living in new york,another was from virginia and talked about how he had power and that the weather brought ice, not snow like he wanted. This podcast is more designed as a live chat, where people talk about their surroundings and what they can photograph from there.

EdTechTalk is a podcast that talks about exactly what its title is-educational tech talk. Here teachers are interviewed and can be listened to through YouStream. This podcast is setup as a converstation between listeners, teachers, and people in the chatrooms. Everyone can tune in on the discussion . This particualar converstation was about Edcon, on Feburary 1st of 2009. This podcast does a good job of grabbing your attention right away by having rock music playing when you open it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Second International Blog Summary

For the second paragraph about international blogging, I looked up BlogCatalog. Here I found information about blogging from other countries. I never knew blogging was such a big deal until I started having to research these sites. These are students more in the college that are blogging. Here you can view their profiles, much like our on this blogging site for our class. The profiles for this blogging site are setup more like myspace with being to have updates and view someone's friends. The blog is set in English, so students from the United States can read and understand, and respond to blog as well. Here is link to the blogclick hereto go to the blogcatalog homepage. Here is a picture from this site.

International Student Blog Summary

To view an International Student Blog, I went to Here students can study abroad from here in the United States or Internaional students acan blog from their home about their schools. This gives students from the United States a chance to communicate with other students from another country. This also gives students the chance to act as an exchange student without actually moving countries. This website does its best to put students from the United States into blogging that would create an environment from them as if they were in another country. Here is a link to the website. click hereto go to the international blogging site. Here is a picture of a viewer from Livingston.

Second Blog

The other site I looked up for blogging was called eChalk. This is a safe blogging site for students k-12. This site is centered on helping students to develop 21st century learning skills, particulary in the area of technology. The blogs are setup as if the student was in a real-life classroom, talking with other students, about education andschool subjects. Here students can upload videos for eachother to watch, write reports on, and learn in new and entertaining ways. This site strives to make school more desirable for young students, hoping to keep them involved in school throughout college and not just highschool. Here is a link to eChalk. click here to go to echalk. Here is a picture of one of the administrators of this blogging site.

United States Class blog summary

For this first blog of this week I looked up Gaggle is a website for students and teachers to use for blogging that is safe, community based, and filtered for inapporpriate conduct. Students and Teachers, together from the same school, can get Gaggle accounts and post blogs just like being in a regular online class. Sign-up is made easy for both teachers and students, with easy to read and follow instructions listed on the homepage of the website. Also from the homepage, you can search for other blogs, and look up blogs from students and teachers in different countries. Gaggle is trying to fast forward students and teachers into the future, where online classes will be the new "in thing" and not something they know nothing about. Here is a link to the website. click here to go to the gaggle website. Here is a picture of Michael Jason,a student which uses this blog. This picture is from how profile, much like the profiles we have here on our blogs.